Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Kelly Spots PE

Mrs Jeff's was away at the Year Six camp this week, so we had Kelly Sports come in to take our PE program.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Footprints on the Future

We are starting our new topic 'Footprints on the Future' so we worked in our table groups discussing what we think this could be about. We will look at these sheets at the end of our topic to see if our predictions were correct

Subtracting in Tens

The Crunchies Maths group were learning how to subtract in tens, they were enjoying working out the problems on their whiteboard's. There was lots of thinking going on!

Mathletics Champion

James won the Mathletics trophy on Friday for getting more points in Mathletics than anyone else in the whole school.  He got 101,600 points, all of which he accumulated one week. Well done James!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Sonshine Ranch

And off we go...
All ready for the water confidence course
Check out our class webpage for all the photos!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Room 8's assembly

Our two announcers, ready to start our kotuku team assembly

Our spooky stories
Sharing our self portraits
Sharing our T Rex Troy story writing

Finally sharing friendship posters

Well done Room 8, what a great assembly!

Water safety

First we had to make the water choppy like the ocean
Then we had to swim through it
Room 8 then had to rescue Room 7 with the noodles while the water was choppy
Then we swapped

Monday, 3 March 2014

How we are going to keep ourselves safe online

Today we had a conversation about how to keep ourselves safe online,  this lead onto creating some rules about using the computers and iPads in our classroom.